Q: |
Highlights of current civic involvement/accomplishment: |
A: |
I have actively served on the Texas House Representative Angie Chen
Button’s Education Roundtable for 3 years. This Roundtable supplies
Representative Button with regular input and feedback for the Texas
House for their Educational legislative considerations. My
participation with The Walnut Glen Academy Campus Improvement Team
(CIT) has provided me knowledge about the plans and needs of
individual schools within GISD. My proactive board member service on
the Grace Fellowship International Board in Dallas, Texas, has led
our Board team with improved policy updates and financial
I train and educate professionals and am a regular speaker for
symposiums and conferences at UTD and for various professional
Currently, I serve as the Chief Judge for the voter elections in my
precinct and am actively involved in my community Neighborhood
Association. |
Q: |
Highlights of past civic involvement/accomplishment: |
A: |
Formerly, I served on the Board of the Dallas Chapter of Project
Management Institute for 5 years, a professional Project Management
organization to train and develop over 4000 Project Manager members.
I have also served as President and several Board positions on the
International Society for Performance Improvement (ISPI) - DFW
Chapter for professional Learning and Development for Human
Performance Technology.
I was regularly involved with several community organizations such
as Breakfast Exchange Club, Rotary, and Richardson Chamber of
Commerce as members and sometimes as a speaker.
I have also served in Toastmasters International – District 25 and
District 50 in Leadership Development as District Governor and Area
Governor for over 2000 members. |
Q: |
Previous public offices sought or held: |
A: |
No previous public offices sought or held. |
Q: |
How much funding have you raised for your campaign? |
A: |
I have not sought to raise any funds to date. |
Q: |
Who are your top three contributors? |
A: |
I have not sought to raise any funds to date. |
Q: |
Have you ever been arrested or involved in any criminal proceedings
or civil suits? If so, please explain: |
A: |
No, none. |
Q: |
What is an example of how you led a team or group toward achieving
an important goal? |
A: |
First, ensure to make the goals – SMART goal: Specific, Measurable,
Attainable, Realistic, and Time bound. Make sure the goal is clearly
shared and understood and team led to full consensus and agreement.
The expectations of the team and the end results must also be
clearly identified with team mutual agreement. |
Q: |
What current or former school board member do you most admire and
why? |
A: |
Over the past many years, I have admired the thoughtfulness,
integrity and honesty of the discussions and decisions of the GISD
school board team as they have worked together to provide the best
learning environment for ALL the GISD students, and I believe I
would work well with this team. |
Q: |
Why are you running for this office? |
A: |
I have become increasingly involved with a Campus Improvement Team
(CIT) at a local GISD school and a Education Roundtable with my
State Representative, as well as attending and observing the GISD
Board in action for the last several years. This has inspired me
with my passion to move to the next level of involvement to become a
team member of the GISD school board. |
Q: |
Why should voters choose you over your opponent? |
A: |
I have strong and solid professional leadership in working with
contracts, program management, organizational development,
leadership and learning development and finance for large Fortune
500 corporations. Board policy, requirements, and functions will
heavily rely on this type of professional background experience for
the many of school board decisions. My attendance over the last 10
years at GISD board meetings, as well as my involvement in the
Campus Improvement Team (CIT) and Roundtables for local and state
functions has provided me clear insight on current affairs. My wife
has been an educator, in GISD for 15 years. Her strong involvement
has also provided me insight from teacher and student perspectives.
Q: |
What is the role of a school board member? |
A: |
The member is simply one of a team of 7 on the school board. All
members are to meet and work together in a team effort to bring a
consensus of policy and goals for the school district and determine
what is best for all students. The board is to select, govern and
set goals for the Superintendent of Schools in a partnership role.
Q: |
What is your view of the superintendent in your district? |
A: |
Our Superintendent was just hired in February, 2013. He is very
capable, concerned, and conscientious about moving our district
forward in curriculum and programs that will best achieve student
excellence for all students. He is pro arts, sciences, and
technology and desires to see improvements in those areas throughout
the district. He is very active in getting out to all campuses to
fully get to know the district administrators, staff and students to
keep strong communication in the district goals and path forward.
Q: |
What policies would you like to see your district adopt to evaluate
teachers and principals? |
A: |
GISD follows state requirements for evaluations. Evaluations should
mentor, encourage, and recognize achievements along with planning
strategies to increase student performance. |
Q: |
What would you like to see your district do to recruit, train and
develop teachers? |
A: |
GISD is known as a top rated district throughout this area. As a
result, we have a number of highly qualified teachers applying to
GISD every year to supply our requirements. We have a regular
programs to train and develop teachers within our district, along
with some Region 10 State Education training and development.
Q: |
What strategies would you like to see your district pursue to better
engage parents in the lives of their students? |
A: |
I have attended various school activities, such as meet the teacher,
carnivals, multi-cultural night and health fairs; in which the
parents were encouraged to participate with their child and interact
with the teachers. Keeping parents informed in school activities by
more use of technology, such as the web sites, twitter and GRS TV,
opens a door for a partnership between the teachers, parents and
students. |
Q: |
What steps should your district take to raise the achievement levels
of its male students? |
A: |
Our district analyzes and seeks to raise the levels of ALL students,
regardless of sex or ethnic origin. |
Q: |
Should the state evaluate school districts on how well they use
their financial resources? Why or why not? |
A: |
School districts should be accountable to their district
constituents. As long as the districts are honest and have clear
fiduciary responsibility in their decisions and use of funds, things
should remain under local control. The district website has
financial information posted for anyone to review.
Q: |
How many end of course exams do you think the state should require
Texas high school students to take? Please explain your thinking. |
A: |
One end of course exam that covers each of the 4 main core subjects
in the 4x4 state implemented graduation plan.
Q: |
How would you like to see the state revise its ranking of campuses,
including those in your district? |
A: |
State ratings should reflect student achievement and student growth,
as well as other indicators of student achievement and success.
Q: |
If given extra funds from the Legislature, what specific strategies
should your district use with those dollars? |
A: |
I believe the district should assess the needs with input from
campus administrators and faculties, which provides for the needs of
the students to be met. |