OUR OLD MAN WAS CRUCIFED "Knowing continually this, that our old man was once then co-crucified with Him, in order that the body of sin might once then be rendered powerless, that we are to no longer continually serve sin" (Rom. 6:6, Expanded Greek Translation – EGT). At the Spirit birthing, the Spirit is complete with Christ as the life, spirit, nature, and seed in us. While we are complete in Spirit, there is still work that the Spirit has to do with our mind. Also, we still have the same old earthly body. The majority of the real problems that we face after we are Spirit birthed, will stem out of an unrenewed mind. Paul declares, "knowing continually this, that our old man was once then co-crucified with Christ, in order that the body of sin might once then be rendered powerless, that we are to no longer continually serve sin" (Rom. 6:6, EGT. Paul is telling us that everything about Adam – the original sin of Adam and the sin nature of disobedience was put to death in Christ on the cross. The only way the body of sin is rendered powerless is through a Spirit renewed mind that continually knows and lives according to that truth. Certainly one has a proness to sin, sinful desires, and propensity to sin before their Spiritual birthing. Paul confirms this when he discusses, "when we were in the flesh" and "the passions of sins" (Rom. 7:5). Following our Spirit birthing, we should make decisions to present ourselves to the Holy Spirit and allow him to transform us and renew the mind (Rom. 12:2). Unless we have that renewed mind, we are an open target for Satan's deception campaign upon the saints. We must let the Holy Spirit really teach us what Christ really finished on the cross. We must let the Holy Spirit fully reveal what was really put to death on that cross. We must continually know it to be a reality and truth. Otherwise, the body of sin might not be rendered powerless in our life (Rom. 6:6). The original sin, the old sin nature, the old man (Adam) was all put to death and co-crucified on the cross with Christ. This is why Paul makes the connection that Christ was "the last Adam" (I Cor. 15:45). Christ died on the cross as the last Adam and severed every tie we had to Adam, historically and spiritually. The Spirit birthing means that man no longer has a historical connection with Adam, but now we are a "new creature" with our connection in Christ (II Cor. 5:17). If you "reckon yourselves to be dead indeed to sin," and "alive to God in Christ Jesus our Lord," then you "will not let sin reign" in your mortal bodies or "obey it in its lusts" (Rom. 6:11-12). Paul concludes, "I thank God – through Jesus Christ our Lord!" With the renewed mind I myself serve the law of God (Rom. 7:25). Paul lets Christ live in him and serves the Father through the renewed mind as him to and for others (Gal. 2:20). V Written by Dwight Davis |
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