TRUE LIBERTY "Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty" (II Cor. 3:17). Men fight wars against oppression to obtain liberty for those who are oppressed. Within the heart of man, there is a burning desire for many to have that liberty. We are not talking about selfish lawlessness, but a liberty that is truly concerned for the well-being of others. Paul clearly tells us that where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty (II Cor. 3:17). While you can clearly go to war, win the battles to make right the right things. Certainly these things are extremely important to be involved with as a genuine participant. However, when the wars are somewhat over, there are still the hearts of man to contend with. The wars may have brought some outside liberties. Only Christ can bring true liberty inside the heart and life of men. This is why it is so extremely crucial that we are Spirit rebirthed by the Holy Spirit and brought into the Body of Christ, with Christ placed in us for our true life and true liberty. We need the Holy Spirit to transform and renew our hearts and minds to the fullness of the truth of Christ (Rom. 12:2). The Father wanted Christ placed in us at the Spirit rebirthing to be our life (I John 5:11-12). Paul clearly told us, that even though we are living in these fleshly bodies, that the true life or expression in us is to be Christ (Gal. 2:20). Make no mistake, when minds are transformed by the Holy Spirit, Christ will be able to be more fully expressed in us as us. Christ's character and His life will begin to flow forth in and through us with His love-for-others Spirit. As Christ flows through us doing the Father's will for others, His true glory will be seen and His true liberty will be manifested in us! V
Written by Dwight Davis |
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