July 21st


"But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.  Much more then, having now been justified by His blood, we shall be saved from wrath through Him.  For if when  we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more, having been reconciled, we shall be saved by His life" (Rom. 5:8-10).

Paul was called by the Lord Jesus Christ to be an apostle on the road to Damascus (Acts 9:3-19).   The Holy Spirit revealed Christ in Paul for three (3) years in the deserts of Arabia (Gal 1:11-12;15-18).  This was an entirely new gospel of 100% grace, with Christ living in the believer in a shared life (Gal. 2:20).  Since our Spirit birthing, we now are considered a new creation life, with all things that have already now become new (II Cor. 5:17).  Christ is now joined to our Spirit (I Cor. 6:17) and we are complete in Him in the Spirit in all things (Col. 2:10).

This gospel of 100% grace revolves around the 100% finished work by Jesus on the cross.  When asked the question, "Are we saved by Jesus' death on the cross?"   Often with hesitancy to answer, the answer comes back as "Yes."  However, let's look at the Word for the sure answer to this question.  God loves us so much that He sent His Son to die on the cross for us.  Christ's shed blood justified and redeemed us to the Father (Rom. 5:9; Eph 1:7).  Christ's shed blood final sacrifice made peace with our Heavenly Father (Col.  1:20; Eph. 2:13-14).  Christ's shed blood once for all obtained an eternal redemption for us (Hebr. 9:12).  Christ's shed blood paid for our unrighteousness with His righteousness.  Christ's broken body paid for our unholiness with His holiness (Hebr. 10:10,14; Col. 1:22).  This reconciled us to God (Col. 1:21-22; Rom 5:10).

The Father was 100% satisfied with Christ's sacrificial offering of His shed blood and body on the cross.  The Father raised Him from the dead as a demonstration of His satisfaction and seated Him in His right and authority in Heavenly places (Rom. 4:25; Eph.1:20).  Out of His resurrection, we are now raised through the Spirit birthing to live in His resurrection life with a shared life of Christ living in and through us as us. We are justified, redeemed, and reconciled by the death of Christ on the cross.  However, we are saved by His life!  We are saved by the life of the Lord Jesus Christ now in us as us!  What marvelous grace!  What a marvelous new life we now have in Christ! V

Written by Dwight Davis


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